Saturday 30 June 2012

My Engineering course

Its been a hard work for me since i joined the course of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4 years back. But at last i am fully satisfied that i have passed it out successfully and today i am really proud to say that i am an Engineer.

According to me engineering is not tough and like the same not easy too. In order to pass a single paper of Engineering one should study that paper for at least of 3 days so that he can not only pass that paper but also have a overview knowledge of that paper. But actually the funny university has allocated 1month for a paper(6 months-6 papers). Its your wish to pick a paper out and be an expert on this.

My advice to the newly joining one of this course is to pick a paper you have the most interest and work on that particular topic and be an expert on that topic.

For me this 4 years is not only for studying and clearing those 46 papers. The extra curricular activities that i have been doing since i joined this course have been a great thing for me. It really thought me how to work in group and how well we should be prepared to be in a position to take certain decision. The activities like working for a symposium and also things like dance, theme show all helped me to mold my character to the best.

Thank you engineering for giving me a good opportunity to learn these things essential for my life.

Miss you engineering and miss that tentative second before the result is loading....

..... ooh

And more over this course gave me such lovely friends that one should hardly forget.. miss u buddies

Thursday 28 June 2012

Gujarat still going green

Gujarat to go in for tidal wave power | Go Green |

A government resolution (GR) has been issued claiming it is "possible to produce tidal wave power at two spots - in the Gulf of Kutch near Mandva, and in the Gulf of Khambhat near Hazira."

GR, significantly, says that at the two spots, respectively, 200 MW and 300 MW of "tidal wavepower can be produced". 

The Gujarat government is has already entered into a preliminary agreement with US firm Atlantis for starting a 50 MW tidal wave power project at either of the two spots, but preferably in the Gulf of Kutch", a senior official said.

Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill

This man is awesome. doing some great stunts with that bicycle. truly inspired