Monday 17 September 2012

Conjoined Twins, Abby & Brittany Hensel turn 16

Abigail Loraine Hensel and Brittany Lee Hensel (born March 7, 1990) are dicephalic parapagus twins, i.e., they are conjoined twins of whom each has a separate head, but whose bodies are joined. They are highly symmetric, giving the appearance of having just a single body with little variation from normal proportion. In fact, several vital organs are doubled up; each twin has a separate heart, stomach, spine, and spinal cord. ..  Source – WikiPedia
There are compromises that have to be made — Abby controls the right side of the body and Brittany the left — but they move with remarkable ease, riding a bike, dancing at parties and even driving a car.
When the twins were born in 1990, their parents were told the babies might not survive the night. But by age 6, they were appearing on “Oprah” and the cover of Life magazine.
They have drivers’ licenses. The girls had to take separate driving tests to get separate licenses even though they both have to work together to operate the car!
Though they don’t discuss their dating lives, both girls hope to get married one day, and because their shared reproductive organs are healthy, there is no medical reason why they wouldn’t be able to have a successful pregnancy.

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