Wednesday 25 July 2012

Will The World Really End in 2012?

We all know that the world is going to end in December 2012 because a giant solar eruption is going to swallow the Earth. Or is it supposed to be the implosion of the Yellowstone Caldera? Reversal of the global poles? Does anybody even care about how the Earth will end if we are all doomed anyway?
Apparently, yes. NASA has set up a Frequently Asked Questions page on its website to answer questions pertaining to the end of existence. According to NASA, there is no scientific evidence that the world is going to end in 2012. Contrary to popular beliefs, put your trust in science and do not set up the foundations for that underground bunker just yet.
Read more on ReadWriteWeb

Don’t panic! Mayan timekeeper says world WON’T end in 2012… as it’s only a calendar change

  • Leonzo Barreno trained as timekeeper by Mayan elders
  • Many believe its calendar marks end of world on Dec 21
  • But professor says it just marks start of new calendar
Many consider it a joke although others are scared we might never live to see next year thanks to the Mayan calendar’s ‘apocalyptic’ prediction.
But Mayan expert Leonzo Barreno, of Saskatchewan, Canada, says the ‘apocalypse’ concept is a false interpretation of the Long Count calendar.
The University of Regina journalism professor said Mayan elders taught him that December 21 this year simply marks the start of a new calendar.

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